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function inliningの例文


  • Standard declarations to optimize compilation ( such as function inlining or type specialization ) are proposed in the language specification.
  • In principle compilers aren't required to implement that optimization, but in principle they aren't required to support function inlining either.
  • On the other hand, AOT usually cannot perform some optimizations possible in JIT, like runtime profile-guided optimizations, pseudo-constant propagation or indirect / virtual function inlining.
  • The GNU GCC compiler has function inlining, which is turned on by default at-O3, and can be turned on manually via passing the switch (-finline-functions ) at compile time.
  • This architecture enables well-known optimizations from other programming languages to be used for JavaScript, including type specialization, function inlining, linear-scan register allocation, dead code elimination, and loop-invariant code motion.